In this Project, we will be creating a Bank management system using C language. This project is run in a console without graphics.
Here you can create a new account, update existing account information, view and manage transactions, check existing account details, delete an existing account and view your customer list Can
In general, with this project, you can do banking as in a real bank. C Bank Management Mini Project is a console application without graphics. This code is compiled into:: blocks with the GCC compiler. This project focuses on customer account services in banks, that’s why it is called “Customer Account Banking Management System”.
Check out it tic tac toe game using C only
Functions used in the bank management system:
The source code of the Customer Account Banking Management System is relatively short and easy to understand. I have divided this C project into several tasks, most of which are related to various banking activities. Listed below are some of the most important features that can help you understand the project better way.
- Menu(): This function displays the menu or splash screen to perform various banking activities as mentioned below.
- new_acc(): This function creates a new customer account. It requests certain personal and bank information from the customer, such as name, date of birth, citizenship number, address, and telephone number. You can enter the amount to deposit and choose a type of deposit account: Savings, Current, Fixed for 1 year, Fixed for 2 years, or Fixed for 3 years.
- View List(): With this function, you can view the bank information of the customer like the account number, name, address, and phone number provided while creating the account.
- Edit(): This function is used to change the address and phone number for a particular customer account.
- transaction(): With this function, you can deposit and withdraw money to a particular customer account.
- Erase(): This function is for deleting the customer account.
- view(): This function displays the account number, name, date of birth, citizenship number, age, address, phone number, account type, deposit amount, and deposit date. It also shows the amount of interest for a particular type of account.
File handling has been used for almost all the functions in this Bank Management System project. The file is used to store data related to new accounts, and transactions, edit account information and view account information. I haven’t used file management for menus, interest calculations, and passwords.
Bank Management System using C Programming Language (Source CODE)
// #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<windows.h> int i,j; int main_exit; void menu(); struct date{ int month,day,year; }; struct { char name[60]; int acc_no,age; char address[60]; char citizenship[15]; double phone; char acc_type[10]; float amt; struct date dob; struct date deposit; struct date withdraw; }add,upd,check,rem,transaction; float interest(float t,float amount,int rate) { float SI; SI=(rate*t*amount)/100.0; return (SI); } void fordelay(int j) { int i,k; for(i=0;i<j;i++) k=i; } void new_acc() { int choice; FILE *ptr; ptr=fopen("record.dat","a+"); account_no: system("cls"); printf("\t\t\t\xB2\xB2\xB2\ ADD RECORD \xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2"); printf("\n\n\nEnter today's date(mm/dd/yyyy):"); scanf("%d/%d/%d",&add.deposit.month,&,&add.deposit.year); printf("\nEnter the account number:"); scanf("%d",&check.acc_no); while(fscanf(ptr,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d\n",&add.acc_no,,&add.dob.month,&,&add.dob.year,&add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,&,add.acc_type,&add.amt,&add.deposit.month,&,&add.deposit.year)!=EOF) { if (check.acc_no==add.acc_no) {printf("Account no. already in use!"); fordelay(1000000000); goto account_no; } } add.acc_no=check.acc_no; printf("\nEnter the name:"); scanf("%s",; printf("\nEnter the date of birth(mm/dd/yyyy):"); scanf("%d/%d/%d",&add.dob.month,&,&add.dob.year); printf("\nEnter the age:"); scanf("%d",&add.age); printf("\nEnter the address:"); scanf("%s",add.address); printf("\nEnter the citizenship number:"); scanf("%s",add.citizenship); printf("\nEnter the phone number: "); scanf("%lf",&; printf("\nEnter the amount to deposit:$"); scanf("%f",&add.amt); printf("\nType of account:\n\t#Saving\n\t#Current\n\t#Fixed1(for 1 year)\n\t#Fixed2(for 2 years)\n\t#Fixed3(for 3 years)\n\n\tEnter your choice:"); scanf("%s",add.acc_type); fprintf(ptr,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d\n",add.acc_no,,add.dob.month,,add.dob.year,add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,,add.acc_type,add.amt,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year); fclose(ptr); printf("\nAccount created successfully!"); add_invalid: printf("\n\n\n\t\tEnter 1 to go to the main menu and 0 to exit:"); scanf("%d",&main_exit); system("cls"); if (main_exit==1) menu(); else if(main_exit==0) close(); else { printf("\nInvalid!\a"); goto add_invalid; } } void view_list() { FILE *view; view=fopen("record.dat","r"); int test=0; system("cls"); printf("\nACC. NO.\tNAME\t\t\tADDRESS\t\t\tPHONE\n"); while(fscanf(view,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d",&add.acc_no,,&add.dob.month,&,&add.dob.year,&add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,&,add.acc_type,&add.amt,&add.deposit.month,&,&add.deposit.year)!=EOF) { printf("\n%6d\t %10s\t\t\t%10s\t\t%.0lf",add.acc_no,,add.address,; test++; } fclose(view); if (test==0) { system("cls"); printf("\nNO RECORDS!!\n");} view_list_invalid: printf("\n\nEnter 1 to go to the main menu and 0 to exit:"); scanf("%d",&main_exit); system("cls"); if (main_exit==1) menu(); else if(main_exit==0) close(); else { printf("\nInvalid!\a"); goto view_list_invalid; } } void edit(void) { int choice,test=0; FILE *old,*newrec; old=fopen("record.dat","r"); newrec=fopen("new.dat","w"); printf("\nEnter the account no. of the customer whose info you want to change:"); scanf("%d",&upd.acc_no); while(fscanf(old,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d",&add.acc_no,,&add.dob.month,&,&add.dob.year,&add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,&,add.acc_type,&add.amt,&add.deposit.month,&,&add.deposit.year)!=EOF) { if (add.acc_no==upd.acc_no) { test=1; printf("\nWhich information do you want to change?\n1.Address\n2.Phone\n\nEnter your choice(1 for address and 2 for phone):"); scanf("%d",&choice); system("cls"); if(choice==1) {printf("Enter the new address:"); scanf("%s",upd.address); fprintf(newrec,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d\n",add.acc_no,,add.dob.month,,add.dob.year,add.age,upd.address,add.citizenship,,add.acc_type,add.amt,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year); system("cls"); printf("Changes saved!"); } else if(choice==2) { printf("Enter the new phone number:"); scanf("%lf",&; fprintf(newrec,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d\n",add.acc_no,,add.dob.month,,add.dob.year,add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,,add.acc_type,add.amt,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year); system("cls"); printf("Changes saved!"); } } else fprintf(newrec,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d\n",add.acc_no,,add.dob.month,,add.dob.year,add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,,add.acc_type,add.amt,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year); } fclose(old); fclose(newrec); remove("record.dat"); rename("new.dat","record.dat"); if(test!=1) { system("cls"); printf("\nRecord not found!!\a\a\a"); edit_invalid: printf("\nEnter 0 to try again,1 to return to main menu and 2 to exit:"); scanf("%d",&main_exit); system("cls"); if (main_exit==1) menu(); else if (main_exit==2) close(); else if(main_exit==0) edit(); else {printf("\nInvalid!\a"); goto edit_invalid;} } else {printf("\n\n\nEnter 1 to go to the main menu and 0 to exit:"); scanf("%d",&main_exit); system("cls"); if (main_exit==1) menu(); else close(); } } void transact(void) { int choice,test=0; FILE *old,*newrec; old=fopen("record.dat","r"); newrec=fopen("new.dat","w"); printf("Enter the account no. of the customer:"); scanf("%d",&transaction.acc_no); while (fscanf(old,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d",&add.acc_no,,&add.dob.month,&,&add.dob.year,&add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,&,add.acc_type,&add.amt,&add.deposit.month,&,&add.deposit.year)!=EOF) { if(add.acc_no==transaction.acc_no) { test=1; if(strcmpi(add.acc_type,"fixed1")==0||strcmpi(add.acc_type,"fixed2")==0||strcmpi(add.acc_type,"fixed3")==0) { printf("\a\a\a\n\nYOU CANNOT DEPOSIT OR WITHDRAW CASH IN FIXED ACCOUNTS!!!!!"); fordelay(1000000000); system("cls"); menu(); } printf("\n\nDo you want to\n1.Deposit\n2.Withdraw?\n\nEnter your choice(1 for deposit and 2 for withdraw):"); scanf("%d",&choice); if (choice==1) { printf("Enter the amount you want to deposit:$ "); scanf("%f",&transaction.amt); add.amt+=transaction.amt; fprintf(newrec,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d\n",add.acc_no,,add.dob.month,,add.dob.year,add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,,add.acc_type,add.amt,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year); printf("\n\nDeposited successfully!"); } else { printf("Enter the amount you want to withdraw:$ "); scanf("%f",&transaction.amt); add.amt-=transaction.amt; fprintf(newrec,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d\n",add.acc_no,,add.dob.month,,add.dob.year,add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,,add.acc_type,add.amt,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year); printf("\n\nWithdrawn successfully!"); } } else { fprintf(newrec,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d\n",add.acc_no,,add.dob.month,,add.dob.year,add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,,add.acc_type,add.amt,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year); } } fclose(old); fclose(newrec); remove("record.dat"); rename("new.dat","record.dat"); if(test!=1) { printf("\n\nRecord not found!!"); transact_invalid: printf("\n\n\nEnter 0 to try again,1 to return to main menu and 2 to exit:"); scanf("%d",&main_exit); system("cls"); if (main_exit==0) transact(); else if (main_exit==1) menu(); else if (main_exit==2) close(); else { printf("\nInvalid!"); goto transact_invalid; } } else { printf("\nEnter 1 to go to the main menu and 0 to exit:"); scanf("%d",&main_exit); system("cls"); if (main_exit==1) menu(); else close(); } } void erase(void) { FILE *old,*newrec; int test=0; old=fopen("record.dat","r"); newrec=fopen("new.dat","w"); printf("Enter the account no. of the customer you want to delete:"); scanf("%d",&rem.acc_no); while (fscanf(old,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d",&add.acc_no,,&add.dob.month,&,&add.dob.year,&add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,&,add.acc_type,&add.amt,&add.deposit.month,&,&add.deposit.year)!=EOF) { if(add.acc_no!=rem.acc_no) fprintf(newrec,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d\n",add.acc_no,,add.dob.month,,add.dob.year,add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,,add.acc_type,add.amt,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year); else {test++; printf("\nRecord deleted successfully!\n"); } } fclose(old); fclose(newrec); remove("record.dat"); rename("new.dat","record.dat"); if(test==0) { printf("\nRecord not found!!\a\a\a"); erase_invalid: printf("\nEnter 0 to try again,1 to return to main menu and 2 to exit:"); scanf("%d",&main_exit); if (main_exit==1) menu(); else if (main_exit==2) close(); else if(main_exit==0) erase(); else {printf("\nInvalid!\a"); goto erase_invalid;} } else {printf("\nEnter 1 to go to the main menu and 0 to exit:"); scanf("%d",&main_exit); system("cls"); if (main_exit==1) menu(); else close(); } } void see(void) { FILE *ptr; int test=0,rate; int choice; float time; float intrst; ptr=fopen("record.dat","r"); printf("Do you want to check by\n1.Account no\n2.Name\nEnter your choice:"); scanf("%d",&choice); if (choice==1) { printf("Enter the account number:"); scanf("%d",&check.acc_no); while (fscanf(ptr,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d",&add.acc_no,,&add.dob.month,&,&add.dob.year,&add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,&,add.acc_type,&add.amt,&add.deposit.month,&,&add.deposit.year)!=EOF) { if(add.acc_no==check.acc_no) { system("cls"); test=1; printf("\nAccount NO.:%d\nName:%s \nDOB:%d/%d/%d \nAge:%d \nAddress:%s \nCitizenship No:%s \nPhone number:%.0lf \nType Of Account:%s \nAmount deposited:$ %.2f \nDate Of Deposit:%d/%d/%d\n\n",add.acc_no,,add.dob.month,,add.dob.year,add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,, add.acc_type,add.amt,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year); if(strcmpi(add.acc_type,"fixed1")==0) { time=1.0; rate=9; intrst=interest(time,add.amt,rate); printf("\n\nYou will get $%.2f as interest on %d/%d/%d",intrst,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year+1); } else if(strcmpi(add.acc_type,"fixed2")==0) { time=2.0; rate=11; intrst=interest(time,add.amt,rate); printf("\n\nYou will get $.%.2f as interest on %d/%d/%d",intrst,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year+2); } else if(strcmpi(add.acc_type,"fixed3")==0) { time=3.0; rate=13; intrst=interest(time,add.amt,rate); printf("\n\nYou will get $.%.2f as interest on %d/%d/%d",intrst,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year+3); } else if(strcmpi(add.acc_type,"saving")==0) { time=(1.0/12.0); rate=8; intrst=interest(time,add.amt,rate); printf("\n\nYou will get $.%.2f as interest on %d of every month",intrst,; } else if(strcmpi(add.acc_type,"current")==0) { printf("\n\nYou will get no interest\a\a"); } } } } else if (choice==2) { printf("Enter the name:"); scanf("%s",&; while (fscanf(ptr,"%d %s %d/%d/%d %d %s %s %lf %s %f %d/%d/%d",&add.acc_no,,&add.dob.month,&,&add.dob.year,&add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,&,add.acc_type,&add.amt,&add.deposit.month,&,&add.deposit.year)!=EOF) { if(strcmpi(, { system("cls"); test=1; printf("\nAccount No.:%d\nName:%s \nDOB:%d/%d/%d \nAge:%d \nAddress:%s \nCitizenship No:%s \nPhone number:%.0lf \nType Of Account:%s \nAmount deposited:$%.2f \nDate Of Deposit:%d/%d/%d\n\n",add.acc_no,,add.dob.month,,add.dob.year,add.age,add.address,add.citizenship,, add.acc_type,add.amt,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year); if(strcmpi(add.acc_type,"fixed1")==0) { time=1.0; rate=9; intrst=interest(time,add.amt,rate); printf("\n\nYou will get $.%.2f as interest on %d/%d/%d",intrst,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year+1); } else if(strcmpi(add.acc_type,"fixed2")==0) { time=2.0; rate=11; intrst=interest(time,add.amt,rate); printf("\n\nYou will get $.%.2f as interest on %d/%d/%d",intrst,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year+2); } else if(strcmpi(add.acc_type,"fixed3")==0) { time=3.0; rate=13; intrst=interest(time,add.amt,rate); printf("\n\nYou will get $.%.2f as interest on %d/%d/%d",intrst,add.deposit.month,,add.deposit.year+3); } else if(strcmpi(add.acc_type,"saving")==0) { time=(1.0/12.0); rate=8; intrst=interest(time,add.amt,rate); printf("\n\nYou will get $.%.2f as interest on %d of every month",intrst,; } else if(strcmpi(add.acc_type,"current")==0) { printf("\n\nYou will get no interest\a\a"); } } } } fclose(ptr); if(test!=1) { system("cls"); printf("\nRecord not found!!\a\a\a"); see_invalid: printf("\nEnter 0 to try again,1 to return to main menu and 2 to exit:"); scanf("%d",&main_exit); system("cls"); if (main_exit==1) menu(); else if (main_exit==2) close(); else if(main_exit==0) see(); else { system("cls"); printf("\nInvalid!\a"); goto see_invalid;} } else {printf("\nEnter 1 to go to the main menu and 0 to exit:"); scanf("%d",&main_exit);} if (main_exit==1) { system("cls"); menu(); } else { system("cls"); close(); } } void close(void) { printf("\n\n\n\nThis C Mini Project is developed by Code With C team!"); } void menu(void) { int choice; system("cls"); system("color 9"); printf("\n\n\t\t\tCUSTOMER ACCOUNT BANKING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM"); printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2 WELCOME TO THE MAIN MENU \xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2\xB2"); printf("\n\n\t\t1.Create new account\n\t\t2.Update information of existing account\n\t\t3.For transactions\n\t\t4.Check the details of existing account\n\t\t5.Removing existing account\n\t\t6.View customer's list\n\t\t7.Exit\n\n\n\n\n\t\t Enter your choice:"); scanf("%d",&choice); system("cls"); switch(choice) { case 1:new_acc(); break; case 2:edit(); break; case 3:transact(); break; case 4:see(); break; case 5:erase(); break; case 6:view_list(); break; case 7:close(); break; } // } int main() { char pass[10],password[10]="codewithc"; int i=0; printf("\n\n\t\tEnter the password to login:"); scanf("%s",pass); /*do { //if (pass[i]!=13&&pass[i]!=8) { printf("*"); pass[i]=getch(); i++; } }while (pass[i]!=13); pass[10]='\0';*/ if (strcmp(pass,password)==0) {printf("\n\nPassword Match!\nLOADING"); for(i=0;i<=6;i++) { fordelay(100000000); printf("."); } system("cls"); menu(); } else { printf("\n\nWrong password!!\a\a\a"); login_try: printf("\nEnter 1 to try again and 0 to exit:"); scanf("%d",&main_exit); if (main_exit==1) { system("cls"); main(); } else if (main_exit==0) { system("cls"); close();} else {printf("\nInvalid!"); fordelay(1000000000); system("cls"); goto login_try;} } return 0; }