What is HTML? Basic HTML Structure Explanation

What is HTML? Basic HTML Structure Explanation

What is HTML?

Hello there, What is HTML? HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. Basically, this Markup Language is used to create Web pages. This markup Language tells us the structure of a Web page. This markup Language tells a web browser how to display Text, images, and other forms of multimedia on a webpage.

The simple HTML Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
                     <Title> Firs HTML example<Title>
                 <h1> First Heading</h1>
                 <p> This is the paragraph for writing content.</p>

Basic description of the HTML Example

  • The <!DOCTYPE html> tag define the version of HTML This tag tells Bowser that this is an HTML5 Document.
  • This <Head> tag is the head of the HTML document. This tag is found between the HTML and Body tags. this tag contains meta-information about the HTMP page that you create.
  • The <Title> tag specifies the title of the web page. this tag appears at the top of the browser.
  • The <body> tag content is the main Document of HTML. This tag describes the content in the body that is shown to the end user. like we have added <h1> and <p> tags inside the body for adding the content in the body
  • The <h1> is the Large Heading Tage. There are 6 Heading tags in HTML. The tag <1h> is larger and </h6> is the smallest heading tag.
  • The <p> tag is the paragraph tag, Where we have to write content in a Paragraph this tag ends with </p>

Features of HTML

  1. It is very easy and simple to understand.
  2. it is case-insensitive language. that is why we can use tags either in upper case or lower case.
  3. HTML is platform independent language because it can be displayed on any platform
  4. It is a markup language so, it can provide a flexible way to design web pages along with the text.
  5. It helps web developers to add a link to web pages.
  6. It helps the web developer to add graphic videos and sound to the web pages which makes websites more interactive and attractive

Brief History of HTML

Tim Berners Lee a Physicist at the CERN research institute invented HTML in 1980. Tim Berners Lee is also known as the father of HTML. The first HTML version consisted of 18 HTML tags. Now in 2023, there are more than 130 HTML tags. from 1980 to 2023 there is improving in HTML from HTML 1.0 To HTML 5. In the new version of HTML, there are many new tags. let’s talk about different versions of HTML.


This is the first version of HTML known as HTML1.0 Which consist of a few tags. It was launched in 1991 by Tim Berners Lee.


HTML 2.0 is the next new Version of HTML Which was released in 1995. This HTML version was launched with new features like File upload, form elements, an Options button, and a text box. At this time HTML was growing rapidly. The web developer loves it.


HTML 3.0 is the next new version of HTML 2 Which was launched by W3C in 1997. These 3.0 versions support creating the table and provide extra options for the form element. It supports the complex mathematical equation on the web page. Unfortunately, the new powerful features of HTML slowed down the browser in applying further improvements.


This 4.0 version was launched in 1999. It is a stable version of HTML. In the version, It provides additional support for CSS (Stylesheet) and Scripting ability. This version became successful among developers.


This new and latest version of HTML was announced in 2008. The version was launched by major organizations W3C and WHATWG. The HTML5 content has more than 130 tags.

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