Overview of Phone Book Management System project
The is Phone Book Management System project developed in C programming language. This Phone Book using C allows you to perform simple Phonebook operations like on your mobile. Phonebook project is a console application without graphics. It is compiled in Code::Blocks with GCC compiler.
The phonebook Management System project will help you to understand the concept of functions, file handling, and data structure. This Project will show you how to add, list, change, edit, search, and remove data from and into a file. Awesome Quiz Game Project
About Phone book Management System Project using C:
Adding new records, listing them, modifying the old record and updating the records, searching for contacts saved, and deleting the phonebook records are the basic functions that make up the main menu of this Phonebook application.
Personal information such as user name, sex, father’s name, phone number, citizenship number, email address and address are asked while adding a record into the Phonebook.
I have used many functions in this Phonebook Management system project. These functions are very easy to understand as their name only signifies their respective operations. wow!
- void menu() – This function helps to display the main menu.
- void start() – This function calls the menu function mentioned above.
- void back() – This function helps to go back to the start.
- void addrecord() – It adds a new Phonebook record in the file.
- void listrecord() – This function is used To view the list of added records in the file.
- void modifyrecord() – This function is used to modify old records.
- void deleterecord() – This function helps to delete records from the file.
- void searchrecord() – This function searches for added records by name.
Source Code of Phone Book Management System
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<windows.h> struct person { char name[35]; char address[50]; char father_name[35]; char mother_name[30]; long int mble_no; char sex[8]; char mail[100]; char citision_no[20]; }; void menu(); void got(); void start(); void back(); void addrecord(); void listrecord(); void modifyrecord(); void deleterecord(); void searchrecord(); int main() { system("color 5f"); start(); return 0; } void back() { start(); } void start() { menu(); } void menu() { system("cls"); printf("\t\t**********WELCOME TO PHONEBOOK*************"); printf("\n\n\t\t\t MENU\t\t\n\n"); printf("\t1.Add New \t2.List \t3.Exit \n\t4.Modify \t5.Search\t6.Delete"); switch(getch()) { case '1': addrecord(); break; case '2': listrecord(); break; case '3': exit(0); break; case '4': modifyrecord(); break; case '5': searchrecord(); break; case '6': deleterecord(); break; default: system("cls"); printf("\nEnter 1 to 6 only"); printf("\n Enter any key"); getch(); menu(); } } void addrecord() { system("cls"); FILE *f; struct person p; f=fopen("project","ab+"); printf("\n Enter name: "); got(p.name); printf("\nEnter the address: "); got(p.address); printf("\nEnter father name: "); got(p.father_name); printf("\nEnter mother name: "); got(p.mother_name); printf("\nEnter phone no.:"); scanf("%ld",&p.mble_no); printf("Enter sex:"); got(p.sex); printf("\nEnter e-mail:"); got(p.mail); printf("\nEnter citizen no:"); got(p.citision_no); fwrite(&p,sizeof(p),1,f); fflush(stdin); printf("\nrecord saved"); fclose(f); printf("\n\nEnter any key"); getch(); system("cls"); menu(); } void listrecord() { struct person p; FILE *f; f=fopen("project","rb"); if(f==NULL) { printf("\nfile opening error in listing :"); exit(1); } while(fread(&p,sizeof(p),1,f)==1) { printf("\n\n\n YOUR RECORD IS\n\n "); printf("\nName=%s\nAdress=%s\nFather name=%s\nMother name=%s\nMobile no=%ld\nSex=%s\nE-mail=%s\nCitizen no=%s",p.name,p.address,p.father_name,p.mother_name,p.mble_no,p.sex,p.mail,p.citision_no); getch(); system("cls"); } fclose(f); printf("\n Enter any key"); getch(); system("cls"); menu(); } void searchrecord() { struct person p; FILE *f; char name[100]; f=fopen("project","rb"); if(f==NULL) { printf("\n error in opening\a\a\a\a"); exit(1); } printf("\nEnter name of person to search\n"); got(name); while(fread(&p,sizeof(p),1,f)==1) { if(strcmp(p.name,name)==0) { printf("\n\tDetail Information About %s",name); printf("\nName:%s\naddress:%s\nFather name:%s\nMother name:%s\nMobile no:%ld\nsex:%s\nE-mail:%s\nCitision no:%s",p.name,p.address,p.father_name,p.mother_name,p.mble_no,p.sex,p.mail,p.citision_no); } else printf("file not found"); } fclose(f); printf("\n Enter any key"); getch(); system("cls"); menu(); } void deleterecord() { struct person p; FILE *f,*ft; int flag; char name[100]; f=fopen("project","rb"); if(f==NULL) { printf("CONTACT'S DATA NOT ADDED YET."); } else { ft=fopen("temp","wb+"); if(ft==NULL) printf("file opaning error"); else { printf("Enter CONTACT'S NAME:"); got(name); fflush(stdin); while(fread(&p,sizeof(p),1,f)==1) { if(strcmp(p.name,name)!=0) fwrite(&p,sizeof(p),1,ft); if(strcmp(p.name,name)==0) flag=1; } fclose(f); fclose(ft); if(flag!=1) { printf("NO CONACT'S RECORD TO DELETE."); remove("temp.txt"); } else { remove("project"); rename("temp.txt","project"); printf("RECORD DELETED SUCCESSFULLY."); } } } printf("\n Enter any key"); getch(); system("cls"); menu(); } void modifyrecord() { int c; FILE *f; int flag=0; struct person p,s; char name[50]; f=fopen("project","rb+"); if(f==NULL) { printf("CONTACT'S DATA NOT ADDED YET."); exit(1); } else { system("cls"); printf("\nEnter CONTACT'S NAME TO MODIFY:\n"); got(name); while(fread(&p,sizeof(p),1,f)==1) { if(strcmp(name,p.name)==0) { printf("\n Enter name:"); got(s.name); printf("\nEnter the address:"); got(s.address); printf("\nEnter father name:"); got(s.father_name); printf("\nEnter mother name:"); got(s.mother_name); printf("\nEnter phone no:"); scanf("%ld",&s.mble_no); printf("\nEnter sex:"); got(s.sex); printf("\nEnter e-mail:"); got(s.mail); printf("\nEnter citizen no\n"); got(s.citision_no); fseek(f,-sizeof(p),SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&s,sizeof(p),1,f); flag=1; break; } fflush(stdin); } if(flag==1) { printf("\n your data id modified"); } else { printf(" \n data is not found"); } fclose(f); } printf("\n Enter any key"); getch(); system("cls"); menu(); } void got(char *name) { int i=0,j; char c,ch; do { c=getch(); if(c!=8&&c!=13) { *(name+i)=c; putch(c); i++; } if(c==8) { if(i>0) { i--; } // printf("h"); system("cls"); for(j=0;j<i;j++) { ch=*(name+j); putch(ch); } } }while(c!=13); *(name+i)='\0'; }