Simple Employee Record Management System using C

Simple Employee Record Management System using C

Introduction of Employee record management system

This is a very simple Employee Record Management System Project in C. In this project, you can manage easily employee records – add, list, modify and delete records of employees. overall this project will help you learn File handling in c and how to add, view, change and remove databases.

Here, you can Add and list the employee’s records but cannot search them. If you have more experience with C language you modify this project and write your own code to implement the search function in the records.

This project is a console-based application without graphics this project is compiled in Code::Blocks using GCC compiler. The source code for this project is easy to understand and short, and simple. we have used comments in the code to easy to understand

If you want to run the Employee Record management system on other compiler platforms you may require modifications to the code, and the current code will show errors. if you are interested in a similar project check out this Department Store Management System.

Features of Employee Record System:

One of the main features of this project includes basic file-handling operations; you can easily learn how to add, list, modify and delete data from the records. you can analyze how things such as functions, pointers, files, and arrays are implemented.

Currently, listed below are the features that make up this Employee record System project, but you can add new features as you like to make this project the best one

  • Add Record
  • List record
  • Modify record
  • Delete record

Source code of Employee Record System

#include <stdio.h> ///for input output functions like printf, scanf
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h> ///for windows related functions (not important)
#include <string.h>  ///string operations

/** List of Global Variable */
COORD coord = {0,0}; /// top-left corner of window

    function : gotoxy
    @param input: x and y coordinates
    @param output: moves the cursor in specified position of console
void gotoxy(int x,int y)
    coord.X = x;
    coord.Y = y;

/** Main function started */

int main()
    FILE *fp, *ft; /// file pointers
    char another, choice;

    /** structure that represent a employee */
    struct emp
        char name[40]; ///name of employee
        int age; /// age of employee
        float bs; /// basic salary of employee

    struct emp e; /// structure variable creation

    char empname[40]; /// string to store name of the employee

    long int recsize; /// size of each record of employee

    /** open the file in binary read and write mode
    * if the file EMP.DAT already exists then it open that file in read write mode
    * if the file doesn't exit it simply create a new copy
    fp = fopen("EMP.DAT","rb+");
    if(fp == NULL)
        fp = fopen("EMP.DAT","wb+");
        if(fp == NULL)
            printf("Connot open file");

    /// sizeo of each record i.e. size of structure variable e
    recsize = sizeof(e);

    /// infinite loop continues untile the break statement encounter
        system("cls"); ///clear the console window
        gotoxy(30,10); /// move the cursor to postion 30, 10 from top-left corner
        printf("1. Add Record"); /// option for add record
        printf("2. List Records"); /// option for showing existing record
        printf("3. Modify Records"); /// option for editing record
        printf("4. Delete Records"); /// option for deleting record
        printf("5. Exit"); /// exit from the program
        printf("Your Choice: "); /// enter the choice 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
        fflush(stdin); /// flush the input buffer
        choice  = getche(); /// get the input from keyboard
        case '1':  /// if user press 1
            fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); /// search the file and move cursor to end of the file
            /// here 0 indicates moving 0 distance from the end of the file

            another = 'y';
            while(another == 'y')  /// if user want to add another record
                printf("\nEnter name: ");
                printf("\nEnter age: ");
                scanf("%d", &e.age);
                printf("\nEnter basic salary: ");
                scanf("%f", &;

                fwrite(&e,recsize,1,fp); /// write the record in the file

                printf("\nAdd another record(y/n) ");
                another = getche();
        case '2':
            rewind(fp); ///this moves file cursor to start of the file
            while(fread(&e,recsize,1,fp)==1)  /// read the file and fetch the record one record per fetch
                printf("\n%s %d %.2f",,e.age,; /// print the name, age and basic salary

        case '3':  /// if user press 3 then do editing existing record
            another = 'y';
            while(another == 'y')
                printf("Enter the employee name to modify: ");
                scanf("%s", empname);
                while(fread(&e,recsize,1,fp)==1)  /// fetch all record from file
                    if(strcmp(,empname) == 0)  ///if entered name matches with that in file
                        printf("\nEnter new name,age and bs: ");
                        fseek(fp,-recsize,SEEK_CUR); /// move the cursor 1 step back from current position
                        fwrite(&e,recsize,1,fp); /// override the record
                printf("\nModify another record(y/n)");
                another = getche();
        case '4':
            another = 'y';
            while(another == 'y')
                printf("\nEnter name of employee to delete: ");
                ft = fopen("Temp.dat","wb");  /// create a intermediate file for temporary storage
                rewind(fp); /// move record to starting of file
                while(fread(&e,recsize,1,fp) == 1)  /// read all records from file
                    if(strcmp(,empname) != 0)  /// if the entered record match
                        fwrite(&e,recsize,1,ft); /// move all records except the one that is to be deleted to temp file
                remove("EMP.DAT"); /// remove the orginal file
                rename("Temp.dat","EMP.DAT"); /// rename the temp file to original file name
                fp = fopen("EMP.DAT", "rb+");
                printf("Delete another record(y/n)");
                another = getche();
        case '5':
            fclose(fp);  /// close the file
            exit(0); /// exit from the program
    return 0;

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