The 5 Best Website to Practice Your Front End skills

The 5 Best Website to Practice Your Front End skills
The 5 Best Website to Practice Your Front End skills

Learning to code is best done by solving real-world problems and participating in real-world projects. The 5 Best Website to Practice Your Front End skills Despite the importance of theoretical knowledge, you don’t have much chance of progress without the ability to use it.

I’ve spent a lot of time searching and searching the vast world of the Internet to come up with this list of the top 10 sites for you to practice your front-end skills. You will reinforce everything you learned through tutorials and become a more efficient front-end developer using these websites. so let’s start

Table of Contents

The 5 Best Website to Practice Your Front End skills

  1. CSS Battle
  2. Coder Byte
  3. Codepen
  4. Tree House
  5. Javascript 30

CSS Battle

The 5 Best Website to Practice Your Front End skills

This is exclusive to CSS, but their gamification system is a great way to track your progress and keep learning, they even offer some merchandise at the end of some battles, which is always a great motivator.

The battles out there won’t tell you how to create web layouts, but they will certainly help you deal with some of the more intermediate CSS properties.

Coder Byte

The 5 Best Website to Practice Your Front End skills

Coderbyte offers you coding challenges, an interview kit, and syllables.

They offer free challenges to get a feel for the platform before you sign up for their plans starting at $35/month. If you’re serious about transitioning to a web development career, Codebytes provides all the tools you need.


The 5 Best Website to Practice Your Front End skills

The best thing about Codepen challenges is that they provide hints for almost a variety of languages. HTML, CSS, Javascript, Flutter, you name it.

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What’s even better is that you can share your solutions with everyone who participated in the challenges, give and receive feedback on your solutions.

Tree House

The 5 Best Website to Practice Your Front End skills

Treehouse is a great platform to help you learn some languages like JavaScript or even back-end languages like PHP.

You can use their on-demand courses which have a variety of quizzes and challenges or follow a track that has a guided curriculum to teach you something specific.

Javascript 30

The 5 Best Website to Practice Your Front End skills

30-Day Vanilla JS Coding Challenge by Wes Boss. You can make clocks, drum kits, and more using only Javascript. It’s also free, so there’s no excuse not to sign up and get started right away!